Motivating Employees

Read this resource to understand motivation in terms of the P-O-L-C framework. You will explore needs, goal-setting, and process-based theories, which consider the mental process of the employee as key to understanding their motivation.

Process-Based Theories


  1. Explain how employees evaluate the fairness of reward distributions.
  2. List the three questions individuals consider when deciding whether to put forth effort at work.
  3. Describe how managers can use learning and reinforcement principles to motivate employees.
  4. Learn the role that job design plays in motivating employees.
  5. Describe why goal setting motivates employees.

In contrast to the need-based theories we have covered so far, process-based theories view motivation as a rational process. Individuals analyze their environment, develop reactions and feelings, and react in certain ways. Under this category, we will review equity theory, expectancy theory, and reinforcement theory. We will also discuss the concepts of job design and goal setting as motivational strategies.