Workplace Environment and Working Conditions

Beyond providing a safe workplace free from harassment, workers want to be treated with dignity. Generally, we expect our employers to be honest with us and transparent in their communications. However, there are times when the company should not be transparent such as when negotiating the firm's sale. Thus, managers can be placed in a difficult position. This text highlights some of the challenges managers face when fostering an environment where people can thrive. Pay attention to the end of the discussion on what people expect and want from firms regarding the benefits they are offered. Also, note that managers need to be authentically interested in the employees who report to them.


A company and its managers need to provide a workplace at which employees want to work, free of safety hazards and all types of harassment. Perks and benefits also make the company an attractive place to work. Yet another factor is managers who make employees feel valued and respected. A company can use all these tools to attract and retain top talent, helping to reach the goals of having a well-run company with a satisfied workforce. Philosophers Aristotle and Immanuel Kant said taking ethical action is the right thing to do. The decision to create an environment in which employees want to come to work each day is, in large part, an ethical choice, because it creates a healthy environment for all to encounter. However, the bonus comes when a satisfied workforce fosters increased quality and productivity, which leads to appreciative customers or clients and increased profitability. There is a financial payoff in that a well-treated workforce is also a productive one.