Prejudice and Discrimination

We have previously learned about many of the descriptions of social groups that constitute diversity. This resource explains how stereotypes play into prejudice and discrimination. The prejudice and discriminatory conduct of racism, sexism, ageism, and homophobia are explored. The text also looks at how stereotypes can lead to scapegoating and how we can overcome these potential conflicts by expressing empathy, acknowledging the problem and conflict, and changing destructive behaviors.


As diverse individuals, humans can experience conflict when interacting with people who are different from each other. Prejudice, or negative feelings and evaluations, is common when people are from a different social group (i.e., out-group). Negative attitudes toward out-groups can lead to discrimination. Prejudice and discrimination against others can be based on gender, race, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, or a variety of other social identities. In-group's who feel threatened may blame the out-groups for their plight, thus using the out-group as a scapegoat for their frustration.