An Overview of Demand Management through Demand Supply Chain

Read this article researching the challenges in the fashion industry to respond to ever-changing consumer tastes. While reading, think about industries other than fashion where managing production capacity is an ongoing task.

Demand Side of the Apparel Chain

This part of the study focuses demand side of the textile-apparel chain as a distinct part where it is separated from manufacturing operations. DC operations are mainly non-production activities which are concentrated to the activity of a retailer who is a brand owner as defined by Cao et al., or it can also be treated as a distributor and a retailer. Many fashion brands in western economy only deal directly with this part of the chain and not directly involved in manufacturing. Practically retailers or brands are detached from the suppliers in most cases because often they source their products from independent manufacturers. For example, Benetton uses both franchising and sub-contracting, although Zara is vertically integrated which maintains significant upstream clothing production, some retailers use an independent trading company like Li and Fung, Levi's obtains products through own nominated suppliers etc.