Identifying Bottlenecks

Read this article. It describes an example-generic production process and seeks to identify bottlenecks within the overall process. Focus on the Theory of Constraints, its uses, and its approach to production efficiency.

Identification of bottlenecks and analysis of the state before applying lean management

Analysis of the current state before the introduction of the SMED method

The activities presented in the publication concern the shortening of the changeover time of the multitask bending machine. This is conditioned by the fact that the machine belongs to the bottleneck and significantly affects the much extended time of the entire retooling. In addition, reducing the changeover time of this machine is very important, because it is the most complex machine in the entire machine park, characterized by the largest number of parts for conversion and the largest number of retooling's.

After analysing the video, it was necessary to analyse the current state. First of all, the specification of all the activities performed during the conversion of the machine along with determining the responsibility and time of their execution - this division is presented in the table below (table 1), so that all aspects of the conversion can be analysed in a very clear and transparent way.

The data presented in the table shows a list of all activities performed by the setter during the conversion of a bending machine. Of all activities, all those that result from poor organization of the workplace, improper preparation for retooling or lack of appropriate conversion standards are bolded. As a result, the time wasted to perform unnecessary activities was 490 seconds, which out of a total re-set time of 8150 seconds, gives 6% of the time.

Table 1. A list of operations during the retooling of the bending machine before the implementation of SMED.

Number Action name Time [s]
1. Preparation of the bending machine for conversion (manual) 20
2. Securing the bending machine and setting the position "0" 540
3. Preparation of the safety field 40
4. Searching for tools 30
5. Importing tools for retooling the bending machine 40
6. Unscrewing the tension 100
7. Removing the spigot nut 80
8. Organize the trolley with tools 60
9. Disassembly of 4 hooves 220
10. Disassembly of the clamping jaw (release) 80
11. Disassembly of the stem 80
12. Disassembly of the roller using the traverse
• search for traverse tools
• access by traverse to the machine.
13. Disassembly of the clamping jaw 30
14. Setting the height of the clamping jaw 240
14. Disassembly of the shaft from the clamping jaw 100
15. Disassembly of the smoothing jaw 140
16. Assembly of the smoothing jaw 200
17. Roll assembly 260
18. Consultations 60
19. Mounting the spigot cap 160
20. Placing tools on the trolley 60
21. Mounting the roller to the clamping jaw 90
22. Mounting of the clamping jaw 30
23. Assembly and disassembly of jaws from transport 600
24. Installation of 1 hoof 190
25. Pipe radius setting 120
26. Mounting tension 240
27. Setting the clamping jaw (using the ratchet) 360
28. Tensioning and pre-setting 240
29. Unlocking security 240
30. Mounting and twisting of the spindle 480
31. Setting the spindle 120
32. Setting of the bending machine 2400
                                                                                  Suma 8150

Another aspect requiring improvement concerned the time of screwing in and removing the screws. With this machine, the setter has 22 screws to screw in, where it uses a large heavy wrench, a rattle or other screwdrivers, sometimes also assisting with a hammer. The time needed to screw / unscrew the screws in this way was 40 seconds, which in total gives 440 seconds, which in turn makes up almost 11% of the total retooling time of the bending machine.

In this way, after a very preliminary analysis of the operations, it was possible to identify operations that generated as much as 17% of losses in the overall retooling time of the bending machine. It was very important to find a golden mean, so as to be able to reduce the losses to a minimum.

However, at this stage of the analysis it was very important to also retool the machine RZ. As mentioned earlier in the analyses, the time needed for the reconstruction of RZ was 2h 28min, therefore it was very important to analyse all the activities performed during this operation, so as to be able to identify those that we are able to change. In this case, the analysis of the activities showed that the situation looked very similar to the bending machine, so the issues related to poor organization of the workplace and improper work preparation resulted in the following results:

  • 400 seconds of loss for consultations and documentation review, which is more than 4% of total reconstruction time of RZ,
  • 2072 seconds of loss to go to the tool magazine for missing parts, results in over 23% of the total changeover time of the RZ.

Issues related to the organization of work resulted in losses in the form of 27% of total changeover time. However, in the case of the RZ machine, the issue of tightening / unscrewing the screws is also of key importance. As with the bending machine, the time needed to screw / unscrew 1 screw was 40 seconds, which with 36 screws gives a total of 1440 seconds, representing in turn more than 16% of the total retooling time RZ.