Lean Manufacturing

Read this chapter. It presents the lean 5S approach to workplace organization and safety. It also covers the Kaizen idea of continuous improvement. Kaizen seeks out and identifies waste, inconsistencies, and strain on people and machines. Reflect on your current or previous job. What types of waste occurred, and how would you apply the Kaizen philosophy?


  1. What is 5S?
  2. Please Explain each "S" of the 5S.
  3. Please Explain Kaizen concept.
  4. What is the Pull processing?
  5. What is the Poka-yoke?
  6.  What is the six-sigma DMAIC?
  7. What is the objectives for a new process layout of the tube production line?
  8. Before making changes, The Manufacturing engineers team do what first?
  9. Please lists the results of the redesign.
  10. The key to implementing lean new idea or concept is to do what?