Using Lean Manufacturing Tools

Read this article. It highlights the importance, in a global competition environment, of measuring and analyzing lean manufacturing processes.

1. Introduction

1.1 Calculating initial installed capacity and OEE (overall equipment effectiveness)

The initial installed capacity refers to the highest possible value given the initial standard times that are calculated. From Table 1 it can be concluded that the bottle neck is at the final lathing of the exterior with a maximum of 17 pieces an hour (bold value in Table 1).

As such, the maximum installed capacity is calculated as follows:

17 \frac{\text { pieces }}{\text { hour }} * 7.5 \frac{\text { hours }}{\text { turns }} * \frac{3 \text { turns }}{\text { day }} * \frac{25 \text { days }}{\text { month }}=9562.5 \frac{\text { pieces }}{\text { month }}

In order to calculate the OEE, we compare the actual capacity to the maximum possible capacity. According to the dispatch records for the second 2017 semester, the average monthly production for the plant was 3000 units. Calculating the OEE based on an average evaluation period of 30 days per month we get:

\mathrm{OEE}=\frac{\text { actual units }}{\text { possible units }}=\frac{3000}{9562}=0.3137

Since the OEE for the wheel hub is 31.37%, it is clear that the reasons for low productivity need to be found.