Using Lean Manufacturing Tools

Read this article. It highlights the importance, in a global competition environment, of measuring and analyzing lean manufacturing processes.

4. Results

Results of applying the 5S: After the 5S trainings at each of the work stations, their condition was assessed again using the check-list Table 3. The following results were attained:

5S Maximum score Machining area before 5S
Result %
Sort 25 18 72
Set in order 35 28 80
Shine 20 12 60
Standardize 45 37 82
Sustain 35 28 80
TOTAL 160 123 77

Table 3. Results of the 5S check-list after the trainings.

See Figure 2 for the network diagram showing the results of the 5S standards after the trainings. An increased level of compliance can be observed. However, more improvement is needed in the S with the lowest compliance level: shine.

Figure 2. Network diagram of the 5S after trainings.

Result for production capacity: Figure 3 shows the number of units produced from July 2017 through September 2018.

Figure 3.  Increase in production.

From the graph, it can be seen that production increased by 121.9% between the second semester of 2017 and April-September of 2018.

The installed capacity at the bottle neck increased to 19 pieces per hour which generated a monthly installed capacity of 10,687 units. Thus, using the new maximum capacity and the actual monthly average for the previous 4 months (7077 units), the new value for the OEE is 66.21%.

Results for the quality level: The quantity of non-conforming product since July 2017 until September 2018 can be seen in Figure 4. A decrease in number can be seen, and during the last 4 months the internal goal of no more than 15,000 PPM was surpassed.

Figure 4. Flawed PPM.

Results for labor productivity (relationship between the value of sales and the cost of labor required to produce the volume mentioned). By rearranging the plant and balancing workloads it was possible to reduce the number of operators from 14 to 11, representing a reduction of 21.42%. This contributed towards improvements in labor productivity from February through September 2018 as demonstrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Labor productivity.

Standardized documents: The OEE became the standardized indicator for measuring the performance of the productive process. The discipline of collecting the necessary date for calculating the OEE was established: machine availability, efficiency, and quality.

As the improvements were implemented, but especially as the standards were being met during phase 6, a plant administration was established that embraced the lean manufacturing philosophy.

Lastly, phase 7 was officially closed with the Kaizen teams presenting the goals that were met by using the data illustrated above, and the new projects designed by each constituted team.