Break-Even Point Analysis

Read this text on break-even point analysis. It goes through the process of calculating the break-even point for cost analysis under different scenarios. Take notes on each of the following: define the break-even point, differentiate between fixed and variable costs, and write the formulas on how to calculate the break-even point, calculate the contribution margin, calculate the contribution margin ratio, and calculate the margin of safety.

Contribution Margin Ratio


The founder of Domino's Pizza, Inc. nearly went bankrupt several times before he finally made Domino's a financial success. One early problem was that the company was providing small pizzas that cost almost as much to make and just as much to deliver as larger pizzas. Because they were small, the company could not charge enough to cover its costs. At one point, the company's founder was so busy producing small pizzas that he did not have time to determine that the company was losing money on them.