Scheduling IT Staff at a Bank: A Mathematical Programming Approach

Read this article, which addresses staffing optimization. What are some of the scheduling models associated with personnel scheduling? Compare and contrast each to flesh out the pros and cons.

4. Model Formulation

4.1. Notation

N_{j k l}: the requirement of staff of category j in shift k in day l,

n_{j} : the number of employees of category j,

S_{w}: \quad the set of days of week w,

S_{\text {off }_{(i, j)}} : the preferable set of days off of employee i of category j,

\mathrm{AL}_{i j} : the set of annual leave days of employee i of category j,

s_{1 w} : the first 5 days of each week w,

s_{2 w}: \quad the 2 last days of each week (Thursday and Friday).