Time-Series Modeling and Decomposition

Read this article. It provides an overview of techniques associated with decomposition. Part 4, The Business Cycle, presents how this tool is applied in business operations. Why do you think decomposition is useful in understanding seasonality costs?


Flow series may be affected by other variations associated with the composition of the calendar. The most important calendar variations are the trading-day variations, which are due to the fact that some days of the week are more important than others. Trading-day variations imply the existence of a daily pattern analogous to the seasonal pattern. However, these daily factors are usually referred to as daily coefficients.

Depending on the socio-economic variable considered, some days may be 60% more important than an average day and other days, 80% less important. If the more important days of the week appear five times in a month (instead of four), the month registers an excess of activity ceteris paribus. If the less important days appear five times, the month records a short-fall. As a result, the monthly tradingday component can cause increase of +8% or -8% (say) between neighbouring months and also between same-months of neighbouring years. The trading-day component is usually considered as negligible and very difficult to estimate in quarterly series.

For the multiplicative, the log-additive and the additive time series decomposition models, the monthly trading-day component is respectively obtained in the following manner

D_{t}=\Sigma_{\tau \in t} d_{\tau} / n_{t} \equiv\left(2800+\Sigma_{\tau \in t 5 \text { times }} d_{\tau}\right) / n_{t}                                    (21.a)

D_{t}=\exp \left(\sum_{\tau \in t} d_{\tau} / n_{t}\right) \equiv \exp \left(\left(\sum_{\tau \in t 5 \text { times }} d_{\tau}\right) / n_{t}\right)                        (21.b)

 D_{t}=\Sigma_{\tau \in t} d_{\tau} \equiv\left(\Sigma_{\tau \in t 5 \text { times }} d_{\tau}\right)                                                              (21.c)

where d_{\tau} are the daily coefficients in the month. The preferred option regarding n_{t} is to set it equal to the number of days in month t, so that the length-of-month effect is captured by the multiplicative seasonal factors, except for Februaries. The other option is to set n_{t} equal to 30.4375, so that the multiplicative trading-day component also accounts for the length-of-month effect. The number 2800 in Eq. (21.a) is the sum of the first 28 days of the months expressed in percentage.

Same-month year-ago comparisons are never valid in the presence of trading-day variations, not even as a rule of thumb. For a given set of daily coefficients, there are only 22 different monthly values for the trading-day component, for a given set of daily coefficients: seven values for 31-day months (depending on which day the month starts), seven for 30-day months, seven for 29-day months and one for 28-day months. In other words, there are at most 22 possible arrangements of days in monthly data.