Forecasting Approaches

Read this article. Two forecasting approaches are employed for forest fire disaster response planning. Focus on the qualitative flow chart in Figure 2.


Validation of MODIS Fire Points

Upon overlay of 2769 MODIS fire points on the forest fire-prone maps, only 353 points (13%) overlapped with 'very high' and 340 points (12%) with 'high' classes on the fire-prone map yielded by the AHP model, as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. Similarly, only 260 points (9%) occurred on 'very high' and 346 points (13%) on 'high' classes of the FR-based fire-prone map. On the contrary, the highest number of MODIS points overlapped with 'moderate' class (n = 981; 35%) on the AHP-based map and 'low' class (n = 861; 31%) on the FR-based map.

Figure 7. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) fire points (red dots) overlaid with final forest fire-prone areas maps in Bhutan.

Figure 8. Comparison of MODIS fire points overlaid with AHP and FR-based fire-prone classes in Bhutan.