Garage Location Selection for Public Transportation System in Istanbul

Read this article. The study covered uses various tools to determine the best location for bus garages to operate including maintenance and repair activities. Focus on Figure 1 in the Methodology section as it visually demonstrates the analytical process.



Solving AD manually requires a lot of manual calculation. Thus an application called ADSolver was developed by authors. ADSolver was developed using AD algorithms on  .net framework 3.5 and MSSQL 2008 Server Database. ADSolver includes additional properties to solve both Crisp and Fuzzy Axiomatic Design problems. If the weights of criteria are different or equal, ADSolver can be used to solve the problem. The pseudocode of ADSolver is given in Pseudocode 1.

Pseudocode 1 Program ADSolver.

Input data: alternative, mainCriteria, subCriteria, designRange, systemRange, typeOfAD;
 For i = 1 to number of alternatives
   Insert name of alternative;
 End For;
  For j = 1 to number of mainAttributes
   Insert name of mainAttribute;
  For k = 1 to number of mainAttributes
    Insert name of subAttribute;
    Insert designRange values for subAttribute;
    Insert systemRange values for subAttribute;
    If typeOfAD == weighted then
      Insert weight of subAttribute;
    End If;
  End For;
  If typeOfAD == weighted then
    Insert weight of mainAttribute;
  End If;
 End For;
 For m = 1 to number of mainAttributes
   For n = 1 to number of subAttributes
      Set I = log_2 \text{(system area for subAttribute/common area for subAttribute)};
      If typeOfAD == weighted then
       Set Information Content of
   SubAttribute = weight of subAttribute * I'
      End If;
      Set Total Information Content of mainAttribute =+ Information Content of SubAttribute;
   End For;
  If typeOfAD == weighted then
    Set Information Content of
   mainAttribute = weight of mainAttribute
Total Information Content of mainAttribute;
  End If;
 End For;
For \omega = 1
to number of alternatives
    Choose of the alternative has lowest Information Content;
End For;

Algorithms of ADSolver
In this program, the weighted fuzzy axiomatic design principles have been used because, after the meetings with experts in IETT, it is considered that all evaluation criteria do not have the same importance weights. When we solve the problem by ADSolver, the new garage locations are again Arnavutköy and Sultanbeyli.

The application steps of ADSolver are given below.

Step 1.
In the first step each alternative is added to ADSolver program on Alternatives Tab.

Step 2. In the second step both main and subcriteria are added to ADSolver program on Attribute Tab (Figure 6).

Figure 6 Entering the main and subcriteria.

Step 3. Design range of the each subcriterion is added as possible form for the criteria on Design Range Tab (Figure 7).

Figure 7
Entering the design ranges.

Step 4. System range of each subcriterion is added as possible form for the criteria on Design Range Tab (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Entering the system ranges.

Step 5. Then it is decided if the type of criteria is weighted or unweighted. If the type of criteria is weighted, the weight of each main criterion and subcriterion is added to ADSolver program on Calculating Tab. After all criteria are added to program, the Calculate button is clicked. The coded algorithm is run automatically and the result of the problem is listed on the next tab (Figures 9 and 10).

Figure 9 Solution of the ADSolver for unweighted AD problem.

Figure 10 Solution of the ADSolver for weighted AD problem.