O*NET Online Summary Report for Database Administrators.

Recall the summary report on database administrators that you read earlier in Unit 1 (1.3.4). Pay attention to the tasks, skills, knowledge, and abilities. What is the importance of a DBA? What are some strengths and weaknesses of organizations that do and do not have DBAs?

Detailed Work Activities

  • Assess database performance.
  • Modify software programs to improve performance.
  • Implement security measures for computer or information systems.
  • Develop computer or information security policies or procedures.
  • Create databases to store electronic data.
  • Update computer database information.
  • Develop database parameters or specifications.
  • Write computer programming code.
  • Develop performance metrics or standards related to information technology.
  • Read documents to gather technical information.
  • Train others in computer interface or software use.
  • Coordinate software or hardware installation.
  • Develop detailed project plans.
  • Analyze data to identify trends or relationships among variables.
  • Analyze market or customer related data.
  • Develop models of information or communications systems.
  • Evaluate utility of software or hardware technologies.
  • Install computer software.
  • Provide recommendations to others about computer hardware.
  • Provide technical support for software maintenance or use.
  • Test computer system operations to ensure proper functioning.