Software Quality: Definitions and Strategic Issues

In general, software quality is crucial in software engineering. Read this article and explore the various definitions of quality and the quality models. Notice the priority of quality factors and how software quality can be measured.

4. Conclusion

Software quality definitions, as defined by international organisations during the 1970s and 80s, have become a little outdated in that they do not reflect the huge technological developments of the 1990s. Software quality models and factors which were first defined in the late 1970s have also become outdated as a result of industry developments. In particular, the impact of the microcomputer industry needs to be reflected in models. Definitions for factors like usability, efficiency and maintainability are being or need to be redefined while new factors like suitability, learnability and adaptability are evolving. The interrelationships between quality factors as set out by Perry needs to be amended to reflect these evolutions and the impact of human-computer interaction need to be addressed.

The importance of quality for both the supplier and the purchaser was investigated in the second part of the paper. Issues covered were marketing strategies, tendering and cost estimation, human resource issues, productivity and system acquisition.