Process-Oriented Design

The goal of design is to map the requirements of the application to a hardware and software environment. The result of process-oriented analysis – data flow diagrams, data dictionary entities, and so on – is translated into detailed specifications for hardware and software. The main output of process-oriented design includes structure charts, physical databases, and program specifications.

In this chapter, you will learn about the concepts and terminologies for process-oriented design and the steps of process-oriented design, including transaction analysis, transform analysis, and structure charts, as well as physical database design, program packages, and program design. You will also learn about the strengths and weaknesses of process-oriented design.

5. Automated Support Tools for Process-Oriented Design

Automated support in the form of CASE tools is also available, although fewer products support structured design than support structured analysis. Several entries provide Lower CASE support that begins with program specification or code generation (see Table 8-9).

TABLE 8-8 ABC Example Get Valid Customer Program Specification 

Identification:           Get Valid Customer, (ValidCus) 

Purpose:                    Retrieve Customer Record and verify credit worthiness 

Characteristics:         Focus Included module 

References:               See System Specification, Pseudo-code for CustMain 

DFD:                           Attached as Appendix 1 

Structure Chart:       Attached as Appendix 2 


Accept CPhone 

Read Customer Using CPhone 

If read is successful 

If CCredit Ie '1' 



Display "Customer has a credit problem; rating = <CCredit" 

Display "Override or cancel? : <&Custcredit" 

If &Custcredit eq 'C' 

include Cancel


else If &Custcredit eq '0' 



include crediterr 



Include CreatCus. 

Set &&ValidCus to 'Yes'. 

Set global customer data to values for all fields. 


Screen Interface 

Screen Design: None 

Dialog Design: None 

Error Messages: 

"Customer has a credit problem; rating = <CusCredit" "Override or cancel? : <&Custcredit" 

Application Interface         None

Input:                                    Customer File

User views                           Customer 

Internal data names:         Customer Contents in Data Dictionary

Tables and Internal Data 

Global fields correspond to all Customer File fields. Set all fields to customer record values upon successful processing. 

Reports:                               None 

TABLE 8-8 ABC Example Get Valid Customer Program Specification (Continued)

Appendix 3:      User View with Data Names

Table Customer  State  Char(2)  Not null, 
(Cphone  Char(lO)  Not null,  Zip  Char(lO)  Not null, 
Clast  VarChar(50)  Not null,  CCtype  Char(l)  Not null, 
Cfirst VarChar(25)  Not null,  Ccno  Char(l7)  Not null, 
Clinel VarChar(50)  Not null,  Ccexp  Date  Not null, 
Cline2  VarChar(50)  Not null,  CCredit  Char(l), 
City  VarChar(530)  Not null,  Primary key (Cphone)); 

TABLE 8-9 CASE Tools for Structured Design
Product  Company Technique 

Analyst/Designer Toolkit




The Developer


IEW,ADW (PS/2 Version)





Yourdon, Inc.
New York, NY

Advanced Logical SW
Beverly Hills, CA

ASYST Technology, Inc
Napierville, IL

Index Tech.
Cambridge, MA

Atlanta, GA

San Francisco, CA

Excel Software
Marshalltown, LA

AGS Mgmt Systems
King of Prussia, PA

Structure Chart

Structure Charts
Structured English

Structure Chart
Operations Process Diagram
Systems Flowchart

Structure Chart

Structure Chart

Hierarchical input-process-output
charts (HIPO)
User Defined Functions

Decision Table
Structured English
Structure Chart

Structure Chart