Software Testing
Unlike physical systems, most of the defects in software are design errors. Read about the important purpose of software testing and differentiate between verification and validation and basic software testing terms. Compare and contrast the use of various testing strategies, including black-box, white-box, top-down, and bottom-up.
Test Techniques
Usage-based techniques
Operational profile
In testing for reliability evaluation, the test environment must reproduce the operational environment of the software as closely as possible. The idea is to infer, from the observed test results, the future reliability of the software when in actual use. To do this, inputs are assigned a probability distribution, or profile, according to their occurrence in actual operation.
Software Reliability Engineered Testing
Software Reliability Engineered Testing (SRET) is a testing method encompassing the whole development process, whereby testing is "designed and guided by reliability objectives and expected relative usage and criticality of different functions in the field".