Project Management

The software engineer and the project manager provide complementary skills and work collaboratively on shared activities. The three main activities of the project manager are organizational liaison, personnel management, and project monitoring and control. The "Liaison" section discusses the project manager's role as a go-between for the technical team and agents who are not members of the technical team (such as project sponsors, users, IS management, vendors, and so on).

In the "Personnel Management" section, you will learn that this job entails working with personnel and human resources to hire, fire, and provide employees with professional development.

The "Monitor and Control" section explains that project monitoring involves tracking project progress relative to budget. Project control means implementing changes when progress is not satisfactory (such as training or revising project plans).


Other Project Teams and Departments

Other IS organizations that might need project communications include a database administration group, other project teams, and a quality assurance group. Other departments might include law, or audit. In all cases, the communication is similar. These groups need to know what their relationship to your project is, how soon and what type of support you need, who to contact for questions and information, and project status that might change any of these requirements. 

In addition, you also have the needs of these teams. If any of the organizations is performing work you need to complete your project, then you need the same things from them that they need from you. You need to know exactly what they will do for you and how it will be transmitted to your project, whom to contact, and task status that might affect your schedule. 

To summarize, many other groups and departments in the organization need to have liaison activities with a project. It is the project manager's job to provide that liaison with communications tailored to the needs of the other organization.