Project Initiation

This chapter focuses on issues surrounding the initiation of projects and introduces some important terminology. You will find several sources for how projects are prioritized and how objectives are defined.

Financial Considerations

NPV Example

The following example is calculating the NPV of a project at a discount rate of 12%. The project takes five years to complete with given benefits and costs for each year. In Year 0, there is no benefit to the organization, just an initial cost of $75,000 with no discount rate. In Year 1, the discount rate is 89%. This means that at 12% assumed interest, the time value of money says that the $1 today is worth $0.89 in one year, $0.80 in two years, etc. By calculating the NPV for the benefits and the costs, you subtract the NPV of all costs from the NPV of all benefits. The final result is a positive value of $105,175.

Table 7.3: Table of NPV of costs and benefits.