Group Size and Structure

This article discusses three types of leadership styles. What kind of leader do you prefer – democratic, authoritarian, or laissez-faire? What kind of leader will you be when you have an analytic team to manage? 

The article also delves into the psychology of teams. Conformity is the enemy of imagination. The need for conformity of thought can devolve into groupthink or a situation when the lowest common denominator of thought prevails. This environment stifles creativity and diversity and causes teams to concentrate on getting a job done, not doing it in the most innovative ways.

Short Answer

  1. Think of a scenario where an authoritarian leadership style would be beneficial. Explain. What are the reasons it would work well? What are the risks?
  2. Describe a time you were led by a leader using, in your opinion, a leadership style that didn't suit the situation. When and where was it? What could she or he have done better?
  3. Imagine you are in Asch's study. Would you find it difficult to give the correct answer in that scenario? Why or why not? How would you change the study now to improve it?
  4. What kind of leader do you tend to be? Do you embrace different leadership styles and functions as the situation changes? Give an example of a time you were in a position of leadership and what function and style you expressed.