Personal and Organizational Growth

Read this article about personal and organizational learning. Do you believe McCall's statement that "leaders are made, not born, through the trial and error learning that occurs through actual work: adversity, challenge, frustration, and struggle lead to change"? Does your organization provide those kinds of learning opportunities? Or does it punish mistakes? Does it embrace other kinds of learning? Do you agree that "too many organizations focus on learning the wrong things"? Have you had this experience? How do you think an organization can be sure that its learning offerings or plans align with its strategic priorities? Do you have a mentor? If not, where and how can you find one? Does this person have the life experience to teach you what you need to learn? Are they approachable and ready to listen when you need them?


  • Personal and organizational development are processes of transformation - change that makes a person a more effective project manager, change that makes an organization a more successful company.
  • All organizational and personal change starts with learning. According to Daniel H. Kim, learning is a process of accumulating both know-how and know-why.
  • The term project management maturity refers to the "progressive development of an enterprise-wide project management approach, methodology, strategy, and decision-making process. The appropriate level of maturity will vary for each organization based on its specific goals, strategies, resource capabilities, scope, and needs". A great many models and assessment tools have been created to measure project management maturity in every industry. Vital elements of project management maturity include a good knowledge management system and a culture that values learning at all levels.
  • Thin sustainability views financial capital and natural capital (that is, natural resources) as equally important. Thick sustainability takes a harder line, viewing any diminution of natural capital as unacceptable.