Expressions and Arithmetic Operators

Read this chapter, which discusses arithmetic operations in greater detail along with solving expressions with mixed data types.

17. Remainder with Negative Integers


One. This is a common programming trick. Often you need to know the oddness and evenness of an integer

Remainder with Negative Integers

The remainder operator can be used with negative integers. The rule is:

  1. Perform the operation as if both operands were positive.
  2. If the left operand is negative, then make the result negative.
  3. If the left operand is positive, then make the result positive.
  4. Ignore the sign of the right operand in all cases.

For example:

17 %  3 == 2     -17 %  3 == -2     
17 % -3 == 2 -17 % -3 == -2

From the two pieces (the quotient and the remainder) the original integer can be put back together:

quotient * divisor + remainder arrow the Integer

For example,

-17 / 3 == -5  ;   -17 %  3 == -2  
(-5) * 3 + (-2) = -15 + (-2) = -17

You may wish to practice with the following:

7 -3
-7 5
-10 5
10 -6
-129 100
-1999 -100
-17 2
-18 2

Question 17:

Five pirates find a chest of 123 gold coins and wish to divide the 123 coins evenly among themselves. How many coins does each pirate get?

The parrot gets any leftover coins. How many coins does the parrot get?