What Is the Global Property Infinity?

In JavaScript, the global property Infinity represents a numeric value of infinity. This article provides examples of its usage. This infinity behaves slightly differently than the mathematical infinity most people are accustomed to. Some positive and negative infinities can be used in math calculations; however, sometimes, using infinity in calculations may result in NaN (Not-a-Number), so understanding the rules for working with Infinity is important.



The same number value as Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

Property attributes of Infinity
Writable no
Enumerable no
Configurable no


Infinity is a property of the global object. In other words, it is a variable in global scope.

The value Infinity (positive infinity) is greater than any other number.

This value behaves slightly differently than mathematical infinity; see Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY for details.


Using Infinity

console.log(Infinity); /* Infinity */
console.log(Infinity + 1); /* Infinity */
console.log(Math.pow(10, 1000)); /* Infinity */
console.log(Math.log(0)); /* -Infinity */
console.log(1 / Infinity); /* 0 */
console.log(1 / 0); /* Infinity */