The <label> element

An <label> element associates a text label with a form <input> field and is implemented using the DOM HTMLLabelElement interface. The label can tell users what value should be entered in the input field. Having labels helps the accessibility of a form. You can implicitly or explicitly associate a label with a form. When doing it explicitly, you use the for attribute, and implicitly, you nest the <input> directly inside the <label>.

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Associating a <label> with a form control, such as <input> or <textarea> offers some major advantages:

  • The label text is not only visually associated with its corresponding text input; it is programmatically associated with it too. This means that, for example, a screen reader will read out the label when the user is focused on the form input, making it easier for an assistive technology user to understand what data should be entered.
  • When a user clicks or touches/taps a label, the browser passes the focus to its associated input (the resulting event is also raised for the input). That increased hit area for focusing the input provides an advantage to anyone trying to activate it - including those using a touch-screen device.

To explicitly associate a <label> element with an <input> element, you first need to add the id attribute to the <input> element. Next, you add the for attribute to the <label> element, where the value of for is the same as the id in the <input> element.

Alternatively, you can nest the <input> directly inside the <label>, in which case the for and id attributes are not needed because the association is implicit:

  Do you like peas?
  <input type="checkbox" name="peas" />

The form control that a label is labeling is called the labeled control of the label element. Multiple labels can be associated with the same form control:

<label for="username">Enter your username:</label>
<input id="username" name="username" type="text" />
<label for="username">Forgot your username?</label>

Elements that can be associated with a <label> element include <button>, <input> (except for type="hidden"), <meter>, <output>, <progress>, <select> and <textarea>.