Activity: Rewriting Statements

Now that you have read about being specific in personal writing, practice rewriting the following topic sentences. Answers will vary, but you can check your responses against the answer key after you are done.

Rewriting Statements Activity

Answer Key

Read the following statements which would require outside sources and research to support; rewrite them, so they could be supported by first-hand experience as personal writing.

  1. The Prius is a great car.
    Rewrite: My Prius is a great car

  2. There are many reasons to pursue the field of nursing.
    Rewrite: There are many reasons I am pursuing the field of nursing.

  3. Year-round school would be a really good idea.
    Rewrite: Year-round school would be a really good idea for my family.

  4. Television gets in the way of family togetherness.
    Rewrite: Television gets in the way of togetherness for my family.

  5. The bus system in my home town is terrible.
    Rewrite: My experiences using the bus system in my home town have been terrible.