Activity: Find and Correct Fragments

Get some practice finding and fixing fragments in these two activities. After you are finished, compare your answers to the answer keys.

Answer Key

There are many ways playing lacrosse has affected my body. The first way has been positive because lacrosse has made me stronger and more fit. When I was young, I was a skinny and clumsy kid who mostly stayed inside playing video games. Lacrosse gave me a good reason to be active. Between working out to be better at it and the many hours of practice league play involves, I am now very athletic and strong. While there has been that benefit, a second effect has been the harm it has done to my limbs. As a part of regular game play, I get whacked and slashed by a metal lacrosse stick. I have broken an arm and a finger, twisted my left ankle three times, and almost always have deep bruises and cuts up and down my arms and legs. The last time I twisted my ankle, I had to take a season off and needed crutches to get around for a whole month. The effect that worries me the most is the damage lacrosse has done to my brain. Since a lacrosse ball is made of hard solid rubber, I have had three different concussions from being hit with it. Concentrating on tasks and remembering what I need to do has been harder since I had these injuries. I do love playing lacrosse, but I need to be more careful so the negative effects don't cause me long term damage.