Activity: Correcting Run-Ons

Once you have learned how to fix a run-on once you find it, get some practice correcting run-on sentences by doing the following activities. When you are done, compare your answers to the answer key.

Correcting Run-ons Activity

Answer Key

  1. Our cat was pacing back and forth making a weird high pitched chirping sound because a bird had gotten in the house through the chimney.
  2. Chrystal works really long hours at her job seven days a week, but she always stops work by dinner time to enjoy the evening with her family.
  3. Classes were canceled for the day because snow was falling so hard that it was impossible to see the roads.
  4. Leroy loved relaxing in the pool on a hot day, but he really hated having to clean it at the beginning of each summer.
  5. After the nurse took three blood samples, the lab ran tests on them.