Activity: Correcting Run-Ons

Once you have learned how to fix a run-on once you find it, get some practice correcting run-on sentences by doing the following activities. When you are done, compare your answers to the answer key.

Correcting Run-ons in a Paragraph Activity

Read the following paragraph and find the run-ons and comma-splices. Then rewrite the paragraph using the four methods that you read about to correct the run-ons and comma-splices. Be sure to use different methods to get practice and to give the paragraph a variety of types of sentences.

Just in the last week, I have had several experiences where people have not been who they seemed or appeared to be. First was the attractive woman I saw walking and drinking a cup of coffee outside the library window on Monday. She was very pretty the outfit she was wearing was really flattering. In addition, her hair was perfect it was really windy outside. However, when she finished her coffee, she tossed the empty cup into a nearby hedge. Seeing this disappointed me she no longer seemed very attractive anymore. Then on Wednesday, I started talking to a person in my psychology class named Austin. Austin seemed to be a great person, he always got the class laughing with his jokes. On the days when he was absent, I think even the professor missed his lively personality. Austin asked me if I wanted to eat lunch in the cafeteria with him I felt happy that he had chosen me to hang out with. This feeling dramatically changed when we were sitting in the cafeteria. Austin took out an envelope with several kinds of pills inside he asked me, "Do you want one? They are a really good time". I didn’t want one and was upset that this person I had thought was "great" was actually a drug-user. Lastly, just yesterday, I was talking to a friend I only know online. He and I have had a lot of great conversations about politics and music we have a lot in common. Unfortunately, when I mentioned that I was an atheist, he cussed at me, told me I was going to hell, and blocked me. I was really disappointed that he was so judgmental and not the interesting and open-minded person I had thought he was. It seems that people are not always what they may first appear to be.