Advanced Comma Rules

Punctuation is an important part of sentence skills. The comma has the widest variety of uses and is the most heavily used form of punctuation. Thus far, you have learned about basic sentence structure and how to avoid fragments and run-ons, and in particular, you learned one use of commas (to connect clauses). Read this section and do the included practice to learn about and get some practice with the many other uses of commas. When you finish, check your answers against the answer key.

Advanced Comma Rules Activity

Practice 1: Punctuate the following sentences using the first three comma rules:

  1. When the large earthquake shook Seattle Phillip decided to move back to New York.
  2. No I'm not ready to make a serious commitment.
  3. Jaime is majoring in Elementary Education isn't that right?
  4. In Robin's opinion baseball is ten minutes of excitement packed into three hours.
  5. In the college cafeteria one can hear students speaking Spanish Japanese Italian Arabic Russian Portuguese Farsi and many other languages.
  6. Lars has been studying Chinese for more than ten years but he's never had the opportunity to visit China.
  7. When I entered the house was in darkness.
  8. Her brother insisted that she be on time yet when she arrived he wasn't there.
  9. To be perfectly frank students need to know the fundamentals of grammar before they can write acceptable college papers.


Practice 2: Punctuate the following sentences using the last four comma rules:

  1. College students of course need the fundamentals of grammar.
  2. Grammar which can be rather tedious does not make a person a good writer by itself.
  3. What is necessary experts agree is for students to write more in all of their classes.
  4. "One doesn't know anything clearly" S.I. Hayakawa said "unless one can state it in writing".
  5. Yes William you will have to do a lot of writing in law school.
  6. Every profession I think requires some sort of writing at some time.