Training and Development

Read these sections on the process of strategically training and developing employees. In a competitive marketplace, effective training and development programs offer a recruitment tool to human resources (HR) and a valuable tool for employee retention. Knowing an organization is investing time and resources into your development can be critical.

The "Fortune 500 Focus" section describes how the Walt Disney Company conducts its training and development programs. In addition to providing training specific to each particular position in the park, the Disney Development Connection program offers continuous development to their human capital. In addition to in-house training, Disney also offers employees tuition reimbursement. In this way, Disney shows it is committed to its employees. How do these offerings affect employee performance, job satisfaction, corporate culture, and retention?

Training Delivery Methods


  1. Do an Internet search on web-based training. Discuss two of the platforms you found. What are the features and benefits?
  2. Which training delivery method do you think you personally would prefer in a job and why?
  3. What do you see as advantages and disadvantages to each type of training method?