Group Communication

Explore this comprehensive exploration of group communication and its key attributes. It delves into the essential characteristics that differentiate a group from a team, providing a foundational understanding of their distinctive dynamics. Furthermore, it explains the intricacies of group roles and norms, shedding light on the individual roles within a group and the shared expectations that shape interactions within the group.

Key Terms

  • activity groups
  • aggressor
  • authoritarian
  • authority rule
  • blocker
  • brainstorming
  • climate
  • cohesiveness
  • collectivist
  • common goals
  • compromise
  • consensus
  • democratic
  • devil's advocate
  • drive reduction
  • encourager
  • energizer
  • facilitator
  • followers
  • forming
  • gatekeepers
  • general norms
  • group
  • groupthink
  • individualistic
  • individual roles
  • information gatherers
  • interaction
  • interdependence
  • interests/attraction
  • joker/clown
  • laissez-faire
  • leadership
  • learning groups
  • norming
  • norms
  • opinion gatherers
  • performing
  • personal growth groups
  • playboy/playgirl
  • polarization
  • power
  • power-from-within
  • power-over
  • power-with
  • primary groups
  • problem solving groups
  • procedural roles
  • promulgation
  • recorder
  • reinforcement
  • role-specific norms
  • secondary groups
  • self-confessor
  • shared norms
  • social-emotional roles
  • social-emotional leader
  • solidification
  • storming
  • synergy
  • task leader
  • task roles
  • teams
  • tension releasers
  • terminating
  • voting