Neural Networks: Types and Applications



This section will present a background of DL. We begin with a quick introduction to DL, followed by the difference between DL and ML. We then show the situations that require DL. Finally, we present the reasons for applying DL.

DL, a subset of ML (Fig. 2), is inspired by the information processing patterns found in the human brain. DL does not require any human-designed rules to operate; rather, it uses a large amount of data to map the given input to specific labels. DL is designed using numerous layers of algorithms (artificial neural networks, or ANNs), each of which provides a different interpretation of the data that has been fed to them.

Fig. 2 Deep learning family

Fig. 2 Deep learning family

Achieving the classification task using conventional ML techniques requires several sequential steps, specifically pre-processing, feature extraction, wise feature selection, learning, and classification. Furthermore, feature selection has a great impact on the performance of ML techniques. Biased feature selection may lead to incorrect discrimination between classes. Conversely, DL has the ability to automate the learning of feature sets for several tasks, unlike conventional ML methods. DL enables learning and classification to be achieved in a single shot (Fig. 3). DL has become an incredibly popular type of ML algorithm in recent years due to the huge growth and evolution of the field of big data. It is still in continuous development regarding novel performance for several ML tasks and has simplified the improvement of many learning fields, such as image super-resolution, object detection, and image recognition. Recently, DL performance has come to exceed human performance on tasks such as image classification (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3 The difference between deep learning and traditional machine learning

Fig. 3 The difference between deep learning and traditional machine learning

Fig. 4 Deep learning performance compared to human

Fig. 4 Deep learning performance compared to human

Nearly all scientific fields have felt the impact of this technology. Most industries and businesses have already been disrupted and transformed through the use of DL. The leading technology and economy-focused companies around the world are in a race to improve DL. Even now, human-level performance and capability cannot exceed that the performance of DL in many areas, such as predicting the time taken to make car deliveries, decisions to certify loan requests, and predicting movie ratings. The winners of the 2019 "Nobel Prize" in computing, also known as the Turing Award, were three pioneers in the field of DL (Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yoshua Bengio). Although a large number of goals have been achieved, there is further progress to be made in the DL context. In fact, DL has the ability to enhance human lives by providing additional accuracy in diagnosis, including estimating natural disasters, the discovery of new drugs, and cancer diagnosis. Esteva et al. found that a DL network has the same ability to diagnose the disease as twenty-one board-certified dermatologists using 129,450 images of 2032 diseases. Furthermore, in grading prostate cancer, US board-certified general pathologists achieved an average accuracy of 61%, while the Google AI outperformed these specialists by achieving an average accuracy of 70%. In 2020, DL is playing an increasingly vital role in early diagnosis of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). DL has become the main tool in many hospitals around the world for automatic COVID-19 classification and detection using chest X-ray images or other types of images. We end this section by the saying of AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton "Deep learning is going to be able to do everything".

When to apply deep learning

Machine intelligence is useful in many situations which is equal or better than human experts in some cases, meaning that DL can be a solution to the following problems:

  • Cases where human experts are not available.

  • Cases where humans are unable to explain decisions made using their expertise (language understanding, medical decisions, and speech recognition).

  • Cases where the problem solution updates over time (price prediction, stock preference, weather prediction, and tracking).

  • Cases where solutions require adaptation based on specific cases (personalization, biometrics).

  • Cases where size of the problem is extremely large and exceeds our inadequate reasoning abilities (sentiment analysis, matching ads to Facebook, calculation webpage ranks).

Why deep learning?

Several performance features may answer this question, e.g

  1. Universal Learning Approach: Because DL has the ability to perform in approximately all application domains, it is sometimes referred to as universal learning.
  2. Robustness: In general, precisely designed features are not required in DL techniques. Instead, the optimized features are learned in an automated fashion related to the task under consideration. Thus, robustness to the usual changes of the input data is attained.
  3. Generalization: Different data types or different applications can use the same DL technique, an approach frequently referred to as transfer learning (TL) which explained in the latter section. Furthermore, it is a useful approach in problems where data is insufficient.
  4. Scalability: DL is highly scalable. ResNet, which was invented by Microsoft, comprises 1202 layers and is frequently applied at a supercomputing scale. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), a large enterprise working on evolving frameworks for networks, adopted a similar approach, where thousands of nodes can be implemented.