Using PL to Describe Properties of Systems


Generic description of a propositional calculus

A propositional calculus is a formal system {\mathcal {L}}={\mathcal {L}}\left(\mathrm {A} ,\ \Omega ,\ \mathrm {Z} ,\ \mathrm {I} \right), where:

  • The alpha set \mathrm {A} is a countably infinite set of elements called proposition symbols or propositional variables. Syntactically speaking, these are the most basic elements of the formal language {\mathcal {L}}, otherwise referred to as atomic formulas or terminal elements. In the examples to follow, the elements of \mathrm {A} are typically the letters p, q, r, and so on.
  • The omega set Ω is a finite set of elements called operator symbols or logical connectives. The set Ω is partitioned into disjoint subsets as follows:

\Omega =\Omega _{0}\cup \Omega _{1}\cup \cdots \cup \Omega _{j}\cup \cdots \cup \Omega _{m}.

In this partition, \Omega _{j} is the set of operator symbols of arity j.

In the more familiar propositional calculi, Ω is typically partitioned as follows:

\Omega _{1}=\{\lnot \},

\Omega _{2}\subseteq \{\land ,\lor ,\to ,\leftrightarrow \}.

A frequently adopted convention treats the constant logical values as operators of arity zero, thus:

\Omega _{0}=\{\bot ,\top \}.

Some writers use the tilde (~), or N, instead of ¬; and some use v instead of \vee as well as the ampersand (&), the prefixed K, or \cdot instead of \wedge . Notation varies even more for the set of logical values, with symbols like {false, true}, {F, T}, or {0, 1} all being seen in various contexts instead of \{\bot ,\top \}.

  • The zeta set \mathrm {Z} is a finite set of transformation rules that are called inference rules when they acquire logical applications.
  • The iota set \mathrm {I} is a countable set of initial points that are called axioms when they receive logical interpretations.

The language of {\mathcal {L}}, also known as its set of formulas, well-formed formulas, is inductively defined by the following rules:

  1. Base: Any element of the alpha set \mathrm {A} is a formula of {\mathcal {L}}.
  2. If p_{1},p_{2},\ldots ,p_{j} are formulas and f is in \Omega _{j}, then fp_{1}p_{2}\ldots p_{j} is a formula.
  3. Closed: Nothing else is a formula of {\mathcal {L}}.

Repeated applications of these rules permits the construction of complex formulas. For example:

  • By rule 1, p is a formula.
  • By rule 2, \neg p is a formula.
  • By rule 1, q is a formula.
  • By rule 2,  \neg p\lor q is a formula.