Crafting Strong Arguments

In organizational communication, a key skill is supporting your ideas for effective presentations. This page delves into the practical aspects of organizational communication. Pay close attention to barriers in communication, various communication types and channels, and the role of ethics in the workplace.

Using Support and Creating Arguments


  1. Look at the speech you are currently preparing for your public speaking class. What types of support are you using? Could you enhance the credibility of your speech by using other types of support? If so, what types of support do you think you are lacking?
  2. Find and analyze a newspaper op-ed piece or letter to the editor that takes a position on an issue. Which types of support does the writer use? How effective and convincing do you think the use of support is? Why?
  3. You've been asked to give a speech on child labor within the United States. Provide a list of possible examples you could use in your speech. You should have one from each of the four categories: positive, negative, non, and best.
  4. Of the three types of narratives (informative, persuasive, and entertaining), which one would you recommend to a friend who is giving a sales presentation. Why?