What Is Organizational Communication?

Delve into this resource to gain an understanding of how organizations communicate. It breaks down key concepts in organizational communication, making it easier for you to grasp the basics in this ever-changing field. Additionally, it explores various perspectives illustrating how communication operates within organizations and delves into their communication challenges.

Key Terms

  • Artifacts
  • Basic assumptions
  • Bureaucracy
  • Classical management perspective
  • Climate
  • Competent communicator
  • Complexity
  • Cultural perspective
  • Defensive Climate
  • Equifinality
  • Era of Preparation
  • Era of Identification and Consolidation
  • Era of Maturity and Innovation
  • Ethical communication
  • Homeostasis
  • Human relations perspective
  • Human resources perspective
  • Negative entropy
  • Organization
  • Organizational communication
  • Permeability
  • Requisite variety
  • Sociability
  • Solidarity
  • Supportive Climate
  • Systems perspective
  • Theory of Scientific Management
  • Theory X
  • Values