Interpersonal Communication Processes

You have seen some of these concepts already, but this page reinforces the elements of interpersonal communications and relationship-building.

Self-Disclosure and Interpersonal Communication


  1. Answer the questions from the beginning of the section: Have you ever said too much on a first date? At a job interview? To a professor? Have you ever posted something on Facebook only to return later to remove it? If you answered yes to any of the questions, what have you learned in this chapter that may have led you to do something differently?
  2. Have you experienced negative results due to self-disclosure (as sender or receiver)? If so, what could have been altered in the decisions of what, where, when, or how to disclose that may have improved the situation?
  3. Under what circumstances is it OK to share information that someone has disclosed to you? Under what circumstances is to not OK to share the information?