BUS633 Study Guide

Unit 8: Follow Up

8a. Evaluate techniques salespeople use to add value and gain additional sales

  • Do you need to follow up with a customer after a sales presentation? Why or why not?
  • What is an example of following up with a customer?
  • Should you mention in the sales presentation that you will follow up afterward?

Adding value for a customer may be as easy as checking in and following through or seeing if there is anything you can do to assist the customer with the implementation of using the product.

Following up with a customer after a sales presentation is an important part of the sales process. At the end of your sales presentation, you need to mention that you will follow up with the customer to see if they have any further questions after they have had some time to think about the product and their needs. You should follow up to answer any additional questions or to ask for their order.

Even if you get the sale, you still should follow up to see how the implementation process is going. This will also help you to develop a better relationship with the customer or see if they have additional needs you might be able to fill. There are various ways you can follow through with a potential customer. You may be able to follow up with a phone call, an email, a handwritten thank you note, or stop by in person. By following up with a potential customer, you have the chance to add value to the sale and to the relationship you are trying to build with your customer.

To review, see Following Up.

8b. Assess the importance of customer loyalty for future profits of the company

  • How do you build customer loyalty?
  • Why is customer loyalty important to build?
  • How are customer loyalty and future company profits linked?

Creating and working to build customer loyalty is an important part of the sales process, and it occurs after the sale has been completed. It is important to build because you may be able to gain additional purchases in the future, or the customer may refer other companies to you. By consistently checking in and following through each phase after the sale, you can build customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction occurs when a customer is happy with their purchase or service and may tell others about that experience. Customers may become loyal after several successful purchases and when the level of customer satisfaction improves.

Most companies may survive on a few great customers who frequently make purchases, and these customers may be directly linked to future profits at your organization. These are the customers you want to make sure you take care of and check in with frequently. From time to time, you may also give away items to these customers to increase their loyalty.

To review, see Customer Satisfaction.

8c. Evaluate the benefits of a good follow-up strategy

  • How can you develop a good follow-up strategy?
  • Why is it important to have a follow-up strategy?
  • What are the benefits of following up with a customer?

As mentioned in a previous section, following through with a customer is important in building customer loyalty, and it may be as easy as checking in with your customer to better develop the relationship you have with the customer. Developing a good follow-through strategy that you use for every customer will be essential. It may be what other salespeople are doing, or you may come up with something entirely different to try.

You may follow through with a potential customer by a phone call, an email, or a handwritten thank you note, or you can stop by to see the customer. By following up with a potential customer, you have the chance to add value to the sale and to the relationship you are trying to build with your customer.

To review, see Following Up.

Unit 8 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • adding value
  • customer loyalty
  • customer satisfaction
  • following up
  • future profits