BUS633 Study Guide

Unit 6: Handling Objections

6a. Evaluate objections and how objections can show interest from the customer

  • What are customer objections?
  • How might a customer objection be handled?
  • How does an objection demonstrate interest from the customer?

An objection may come in the form of a question, or it might be a hesitancy about you, your company, or the product you have presented. A salesperson might believe that a customer objection means they are not interested in the sale. But you need to remember that you are there for a reason, and the customer is interested in solving their problem.

A question or questions may be a way to gain clarification to understand how the product might solve their needs. Objections show interest in the product, and the customer is asking for clarification. This is a chance for you to build a relationship with the customer. The better you understand the problem and the potential solution, the better you can handle any objections.

To review, see Handling Objections.

6b. Analyze different types of common objections

  • What is an example of an objection?
  • How might you handle an objection?
  • Should you anticipate objections? Why or why not?

After hearing an objection during your sales presentation, it is important to determine what type of objection it is. Is it a question needing clarification or additional information about the product? Or is it more of hesitancy about you, your company, or the product you have presented? You will need to understand the difference so you can accurately address the issue. If the objection comes in the form of questions about the product, then it will be important for you to come back to your presentation and give the details they are asking for.

Not all objections can be anticipated. But there are some anticipated objections you can expect and be prepared for. For example, perhaps they have an objection about the cost of the product. You can be prepared with information about how much the problem is costing them now, and if your product is a fraction of that cost, then your product may seem like a bargain. You may also bring information about financing or how they might pay for the product. By anticipating these needs, you can be prepared for objections and complete research before your sales presentation to handle objections.

To review, see Type of Objections and How to Handle Them.

6c. Apply strategies to handle an objection

  • What strategies can you use to handle an objection?
  • Why is it important to handle an objection?
  • Why is it important to acknowledge an objection?

Acknowledging an objection is the first step in communicating with the customer, and you need to express that you understand their concerns and then ask questions to ensure you can properly answer the objection. Responding to and answering their needs is important during this phase of the sales process, and you will need to ask if you have addressed all concerns. If you did not, you will need to start the process again to ensure you have addressed all objections before you can move forward. This demonstrates how important it is to utilize active listening during the sales process.

A few strategies to handle objections might include viewing the objection as a question, responding with questions, restating the objection to ensure you understand, or using stories or past examples. All these strategies will help you to better service the customer and understand their needs. In addition, they may help you to build a better relationship with the customer as they see how well you understand their needs and your products.

To review, see Simple Steps to Overcoming Every Objection.

Unit 6 Vocabulary

This vocabulary list includes terms you will need to know to successfully complete the final exam.

  • anticipated objections
  • objections
  • strategies to handle objections