Employee Wellness Innovations

Read this paper, which targets hospitality workplaces and applies to other industries. It includes examples of wellness programs and initiatives at large tech companies and some hospitality-focused companies while underscoring the importance of focusing on employee wellness.


Employee wellness programs are known to bring many benefits to companies. However, due to the unique hospitality job conditions and requirements, employee wellness programs usually suffer from low participation and engagement. This paper reviews various innovations of employee wellness programs in high-tech corporations as well as some hospitality enterprises that are well known for great places to work for. Based on the review findings, the paper suggests effective and plausible solutions to generate high participation and engagement with employee wellness programs in the hospitality workplaces. Limitations and future research directions are discussed in the end of the paper. 

Keywords: high-tech companies, hospitality workplaces, employee wellness programs, high participation, Google, Apple

Source: Tingting Zhang, https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/globe/vol3/iss2/5/
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License.