Delving Deeper

The subject of regular expressions is quite deep, and it takes an immense amount of practice to get used to the special character syntax. Furthermore, the re module contains a vast set of methods available for performing searches using regular expressions. Upon completing the examples in this section, you should have a much deeper appreciation for how powerful regular expressions can be.

Regular Expressions

Self-referencing Expressions

Matched values can be used in later parts of an expression. For example, the email example can be updated to match only addresses composed of the first and last names of the person by including back-references to those groups. The easiest way to achieve this is by referring to the previously matched group by ID number, using \num


import re

address = re.compile(

    # The regular name
    (\w+)               # first name
    (([\w.]+)\s+)?      # optional middle name or initial
    (\w+)               # last name



    # The address: first_name.last_name@domain.tld
      \1               # first name
      \4               # last name
      ([\w\d.]+\.)+    # domain name prefix
      (com|org|edu)    # limit the allowed top-level domains


candidates = [
    u'First Last ',
    u'Different Name ',
    u'First Middle Last ',
    u'First M. Last ',

for candidate in candidates:
    print('Candidate:', candidate)
    match =
    if match:
        print('  Match name :',,
        print('  Match email:',
        print('  No match')

Although the syntax is simple, creating back-references by numerical ID has a few disadvantages. From a practical standpoint, as the expression changes, the groups must be counted again and every reference may need to be updated. Another disadvantage is that only 99 references can be made using the standard back-reference syntax \n, because if the ID number is three digits long, it will be interpreted as an octal character value instead of a group reference. Of course, if there are more than 99 groups in an expression, there will be more serious maintenance challenges than simply not being able to refer to all of them.

$ python3

Candidate: First Last 
  Match name : First Last
  Match email:
Candidate: Different Name 
  No match
Candidate: First Middle Last 
  Match name : First Last
  Match email:
Candidate: First M. Last 
  Match name : First Last
  Match email:

Python’s expression parser includes an extension that uses (?P=name) to refer to the value of a named group matched earlier in the expression.


import re

address = re.compile(

    # The regular name
    (([\w.]+)\s+)?      # optional middle name or initial



    # The address: first_name.last_name@domain.tld
      ([\w\d.]+\.)+    # domain name prefix
      (com|org|edu)    # limit the allowed top-level domains


candidates = [
    u'First Last ',
    u'Different Name ',
    u'First Middle Last ',
    u'First M. Last ',

for candidate in candidates:
    print('Candidate:', candidate)
    match =
    if match:
        print('  Match name :', match.groupdict()['first_name'],
              end=' ')
        print('  Match email:', match.groupdict()['email'])
        print('  No match')

The address expression is compiled with the IGNORECASE flag on, since proper names are normally capitalized but email addresses are not.

$ python3

Candidate: First Last 
  Match name : First Last
  Match email:
Candidate: Different Name 
  No match
Candidate: First Middle Last 
  Match name : First Last
  Match email:
Candidate: First M. Last 
  Match name : First Last
  Match email:

The other mechanism for using back-references in expressions chooses a different pattern based on whether a previous group matched. The email pattern can be corrected so that the angle brackets are required if a name is present, and not required if the email address is by itself. The syntax for testing whether if a group has matched is (?(id)yes-expression|no-expression), where id is the group name or number, yes-expression is the pattern to use if the group has a value, and no-expression is the pattern to use otherwise.


import re

address = re.compile(

    # A name is made up of letters, and may include "."
    # for title abbreviations and middle initials.

    # Email addresses are wrapped in angle brackets, but
    # only if a name is found.
      # remainder wrapped in angle brackets because
      # there is a name
      # remainder does not include angle brackets without name

    # Look for a bracket only if the look-ahead assertion
    # found both of them.

    # The address itself: username@domain.tld
      [\w\d.+-]+       # username
      ([\w\d.]+\.)+    # domain name prefix
      (com|org|edu)    # limit the allowed top-level domains

    # Look for a bracket only if the look-ahead assertion
    # found both of them.


candidates = [
    u'First Last ',
    u'No Brackets',
    u'Open Bracket ',

for candidate in candidates:
    print('Candidate:', candidate)
    match =
    if match:
        print('  Match name :', match.groupdict()['name'])
        print('  Match email:', match.groupdict()['email'])
        print('  No match')

This version of the email address parser uses two tests. If the name group matches, then the look ahead assertion requires both angle brackets and sets up the brackets group. If name is not matched, the assertion requires the rest of the text to not have angle brackets around it. Later, if the brackets group is set, the actual pattern matching code consumes the brackets in the input using literal patterns; otherwise, it consumes any blank space.

$ python3

Candidate: First Last 
  Match name : First Last
  Match email:
Candidate: No Brackets
  No match
Candidate: Open Bracket 
  No match
  Match name : None
  Match email: