Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method that allows and restricts access to subjects or users based on the role of the user. When reading, pay attention to the description of an RBAC system and be able to describe the system, as well as to name the user that only RBAC can restrict. How does this one restriction increase the difficulty for an attacker to compromise the system? What is the set of rules called that manages the RBAC system? Although you will not be asked to create an RBAC policy, read through the rest of the document and try to follow the examples of how an RBAC policy is coded on a system.

7. Subjects

Subjects can describe directories, binaries or scripts. Regular expressions are currently not permitted for subjects. The ability to place a subject on a script is unique, as it permits one to grant privilege to a specific script instead of generally to the associated script's interpreter. For this to function properly, make sure the script's interpreter directive does not use #!/usr/bin/env but rather the full path to the interpreter.