Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authenticity

Cryptographic methods protect for confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity. Authenticity is proving who you are, and integrity is protecting the data from unauthorized changes. By reading this article you should be able to explain the concepts of confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity. What cryptographic methods can be used to provide for all three concepts?

What are the components of encryption? We need a message which we'll call the plaintext. We may need to do some initial formatting to the message to make it suitable for the encryption process (padding it to a certain length if we're using a block cipher, for example). Then we take a secret sequence of bits called the key. A cipher then takes the key and transforms the plaintext into ciphertext. The ciphertext should look like random noise and only by using the same cipher and the same key (or as we will see later in the case of asymmetric ciphers, a mathematically related key) can the plaintext be restored.

The cipher transforms the plaintext's bits using the key's bits. Since we want to be able to decrypt the ciphertext, our cipher needs to be reversible too. We can use XOR as a simple example. It is reversible and is its own inverse (P ^ K = C; C ^ K = P) so it can both encrypt plaintext and decrypt ciphertext. A trivial use of an XOR can be used for encryption in a one-time pad, but it is generally not practical. However, it is possible to combine XOR with a function that generates an arbitrary stream of random data from a single key. Modern ciphers like AES and Chacha20 do exactly that.

We call any cipher that uses the same key to both encrypt and decrypt a symmetric cipher. Symmetric ciphers are divided into stream ciphers and block ciphers. A stream cipher runs through the message one bit or byte at a time. Our XOR cipher is a stream cipher, for example. Stream ciphers are useful if the length of the plaintext is unknown (such as data coming in from a pipe or socket). RC4 is the best-known stream cipher but it is vulnerable to several different attacks, and the newest version (1.3) of the TLS protocol (the "S" in "HTTPS") does not even support it. Efforts are underway to create new stream ciphers with some candidates like ChaCha20 already supported in TLS.

A block cipher takes a fix-sized block and encrypts it with a fixed-sized key. The current king of the hill in the block cipher world is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and it has a block size of 128 bits. That's not very much data, so block ciphers have a mode that describes how to apply the cipher's block operation across a message of arbitrary size. The simplest mode is Electronic Code Book (ECB) which takes the message, splits it into blocks (padding the message's final block if necessary), and then encrypts each block with the key independently.

You may spot a problem here: if the same block appears multiple times in the message (a phrase like "GET / HTTP/1.1" in web traffic, for example) and we encrypt it using the same key, we'll get the same result. The appearance of a pattern in our encrypted communication makes it vulnerable to attack.

Thus there are more advanced modes such as Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) where the result of each block's encryption is XORed with the next block's plaintext. The very first block's plaintext is XORed with an initialization vector of random numbers. There are many other modes each with different advantages and disadvantages in security and speed. There are even modes, such as Counter (CTR), that can turn a block cipher into a stream cipher.

In contrast to symmetric ciphers, there are asymmetric ciphers (also called public-key cryptography). These ciphers use two keys: a public key and a private key. The keys are mathematically related but still distinct. Anything encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key and data encrypted with the private key can be decrypted with the public key. The public key is widely distributed while the private key is kept secret. If you want to communicate with a given person, you use their public key to encrypt your message and only their private key can decrypt it. RSA is the current heavyweight champion of asymmetric ciphers.

A major downside to asymmetric ciphers is that they are computationally expensive. Can we get authentication with symmetric ciphers to speed things up? If you only share a key with one other person, yes. But that breaks down quickly. Suppose a group of people want to communicate with one another using a symmetric cipher. The group members could establish keys for each unique pairing of members and encrypt messages based on the recipient, but a group of 20 people works out to 190 pairs of members total and 19 keys for each individual to manage and secure. By using an asymmetric cipher, each person only needs to guard their own private key and have access to a listing of public keys.

Asymmetric ciphers are also limited in the amount of data they can encrypt. Like block ciphers, you have to split a longer message into pieces. In practice then, asymmetric ciphers are often used to establish a confidential, authenticated channel which is then used to exchange a shared key for a symmetric cipher. The symmetric cipher is used for subsequent communications since it is much faster. TLS can operate in exactly this fashion.