The Blowfish Cipher

The Blowfish cipher has been studied in information security for more than 20 years. As you learn about this cipher, pay attention to the creator and the year it was created. Is Blowfish still in use? Why is it in use, or why is it not in use? What type of cipher is Blowfish? What is the key length of Blowfish? Why would the Twofish cipher be chosen over Blowfish? Why would Blowfish be chosen over DES or IDEA?

uint32_t P[18];
uint32_t S[4][256];

uint32_t f (uint32_t x) {
   uint32_t h = S[0][x >> 24] + S[1][x >> 16 & 0xff];
   return ( h ^ S[2][x >> 8 & 0xff] ) + S[3][x & 0xff];

void encrypt (uint32_t & L, uint32_t & R) {
   for (int i=0 ; i<16 ; i += 2) {
      L ^= P[i];
      R ^= f(L);
      R ^= P[i+1];
      L ^= f(R);
   L ^= P[16];
   R ^= P[17];
   swap (L, R);

void decrypt (uint32_t & L, uint32_t & R) {
   for (int i=16 ; i > 0 ; i -= 2) {
      L ^= P[i+1];
      R ^= f(L);
      R ^= P[i];
      L ^= f(R);
   L ^= P[1];
   R ^= P[0];
   swap (L, R);

  // ...
  // initializing the P-array and S-boxes with values derived from pi; omitted in the example
  // ...
   for (int i=0 ; i<18 ; ++i)
      P[i] ^= key[i % keylen];
   uint32_t L = 0, R = 0;
   for (int i=0 ; i<18 ; i+=2) {
      encrypt (L, R);
      P[i] = L; P[i+1] = R;
   for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; ++i)
      for (int j=0 ; j<256; j+=2) {
         encrypt (L, R);
         S[i][j] = L; S[i][j+1] = R;