POLSC221 Study Guide

Unit 7: Comparative Case Studies

7a. Describe and explain the political economy and development in selected regions and countries

  • How did the countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia develop politically and economically?
  • How have the economic challenges each country faced influenced the political and economic development of each respective country and region?
  • How did their respective political structures impact their economic development? For example, why do you think states in Asia and the Middle East have been more successful in managing economic development, than those in Africa and Latin America?
  • What are some of the broad regional patterns that have promoted economic development?
  • How do these patterns differ among the countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia?

Comparing and contrasting one country's political economy and development with another involves examining the evolution of each nation's respective political system, economic development, international trade, and the internal distribution of its national income and wealth.

To review, see Comparative Case Studies.

7b. Identify and explain political challenges and changing agendas in selected regions and countries

  • How have their past colonial experiences impacted political and economic development in the states that make up Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia?
  • How has an abundance of economically valuable natural resources brought benefits and disadvantages to the states in these regions?
  • How has the persistent robust trade in illegal drugs impacted the politics of the states in these regions?
  • How have economic programs, such as cash transfers and microfinancing, benefited the people who live in the states in these regions?
  • How have international treaties, such as NAFTA, impacted political and economic development in Mexico, the United States, and Canada, and the other states in these regions?

Politicians in many developing states face the challenge of managing past economic and political legacies as they navigate a world that is experiencing rapid change and growth, such as new technological infrastructure, population growth, and economic opportunities. Some countries, such as those in East Asia and the Middle East have experienced rapid economic growth, while others, such as those in Africa and Latin America, continue to struggle with political conflict, violence, and economic inequalities.

To review, see Comparative Case Studies.


Unit 7 Vocabulary

  • Cash transfers
  • Colonialism
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Import substitution industrialization
  • Microfinance
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)