What's in a Transaction?

One topic we have yet to cover in detail is transaction fees. They are an important part of any transaction as without them a transaction may get stuck in limbo, known as the mempool, for a long time. Read this section to get familiar with how fees are added to a transaction.

Adding Fees to Transactions

The data structure of transactions does not have a field for fees. Instead, fees are implied as the difference between the sum of inputs and the sum of outputs. Any excess amount that remains after all outputs have been deducted from all inputs is the fee that is collected by the miners:

Transaction fees are implied, as the excess of inputs minus outputs:



This is a somewhat confusing element of transactions and an important point to understand, because if you are constructing your own transactions you must ensure you do not inadvertently include a very large fee by underspending the inputs. That means that you must account for all inputs, if necessary by creating change, or you will end up giving the miners a very big tip!

For example, if you consume a 20-bitcoin UTXO to make a 1-bitcoin payment, you must include a 19-bitcoin change output back to your wallet. Otherwise, the 19-bitcoin "leftover" will be counted as a transaction fee and will be collected by the miner who mines your transaction in a block. Although you will receive priority processing and make a miner very happy, this is probably not what you intended.

Warning: If you forget to add a change output in a manually constructed transaction, you will be paying the change as a transaction fee. Saying "Keep the change!" to the miner might not be what you really intended

Let's see how this works in practice, by looking at Alice's coffee purchase again. Alice wants to spend 0.015 bitcoin to pay for coffee. To ensure this transaction is processed promptly, she will want to include a transaction fee, say 0.0005. That will mean that the total cost of the transaction will be 0.0155. Her wallet must therefore source a set of UTXO that adds up to 0.0155 bitcoin or more and, if necessary, create change. Let's say her wallet has a 0.1-bitcoin UTXO available. It will therefore need to consume this UTXO, create one output to Bob's Cafe for 0.015, and a second output with 0.0845 bitcoin in change back to her own wallet, leaving 0.0005 bitcoin unallocated, as an implicit fee for the transaction.

Now let's look at a different scenario. Eugenia, our children's charity director in the Philippines, has completed a fundraiser to purchase schoolbooks for the children. She received several thousand small donations from people all around the world, totaling 50 bitcoin, so her wallet is full of very small payments (UTXO). Now she wants to purchase hundreds of schoolbooks from a local publisher, paying in bitcoin.

As Eugenia's wallet application tries to construct a single larger payment transaction, it must source from the available UTXO set, which is composed of many smaller amounts. That means that the resulting transaction will source from more than a hundred small-value UTXO as inputs and only one output, paying the book publisher. A transaction with that many inputs will be larger than one kilobyte, perhaps several kilobytes in size. As a result, it will require a much higher fee than the median-sized transaction.

Eugenia's wallet application will calculate the appropriate fee by measuring the size of the transaction and multiplying that by the per-kilobyte fee. Many wallets will overpay fees for larger transactions to ensure the transaction is processed promptly. The higher fee is not because Eugenia is spending more money, but because her transaction is more complex and larger in size – ​the fee is independent of the transaction's bitcoin value.