Complex Scripts

Let's finish by learning about conditional clauses and flow control, and taking a look at some examples of complex scripts.

Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash (P2WSH)

The second type of witness program corresponds to a Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH) script. We saw this type of script in Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH). In that example, P2SH was used by Mohammed's company to express a multisignature script. Payments to Mohammed's company were encoded with a locking script like this:

Example P2SH output script

HASH160 54c557e07dde5bb6cb791c7a540e0a4796f5e97e EQUAL


This P2SH script references the hash of a redeem script that defines a 2-of-5 multisignature requirement to spend funds. To spend this output, Mohammed's company would present the redeem script (whose hash matches the script hash in the P2SH output) and the signatures necessary to satisfy that redeem script, all inside the transaction input:

Decoded transaction showing a P2SH output being spent

"Vin" : [
"txid": "abcdef12345...",
"vout": 0,
     	 "scriptSig": "<SigA> <SigB> <2 PubA PubB PubC PubD PubE 5 CHECKMULTISIG>",


Now, let's look at how this entire example would be upgraded to segwit. If Mohammed's customers were using a segwit-compatible wallet, they would make a payment, creating a Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash (P2WSH) output that would look like this:

Example P2WSH output script

0 a9b7b38d972cabc7961dbfbcb841ad4508d133c47ba87457b4a0e8aae86dbb89


Again, as with the example of P2WPKH, you can see that the Segregated Witness equivalent script is a lot simpler and omits the various script operands that you see in P2SH scripts. Instead, the Segregated Witness program consists of two values pushed to the stack: a witness version (0) and the 32-byte SHA256 hash of the redeem script.

Mohammed's company can spend the P2WSH output by presenting the correct redeem script and sufficient signatures to satisfy it. Both the redeem script and the signatures would be segregated outside the spending transaction data as part of the witness data. Within the transaction input, Mohammed's wallet would put an empty scriptSig:

Decoded transaction showing a P2WSH output being spent with separate witness data

"Vin" : [
"txid": "abcdef12345...",
"vout": 0,
     	 "scriptSig": "",
"witness": "<SigA> <SigB> <2 PubA PubB PubC PubD PubE 5 CHECKMULTISIG>"

Tip: While P2SH uses the 20-byte RIPEMD160(SHA256(script)) hash, the P2WSH witness program uses a 32-byte SHA256(script) hash. This difference in the selection of the hashing algorithm is deliberate and provides stronger security to P2WSH (128 bits of security in P2WSH versus 80 bits of security in P2SH). It is also used to differentiate between the two types of witness programs (P2WPKH and P2WSH) by using the length of the hash (see below).