Getting Started with CSS Rules

In the HTML section, you created an "index.html" file that contained an image and list. This article explains how to add CSS to that document. You will define styles for the <h1>, <p>, and <li> elements. This example uses embedded CSS rules in an external .css file. This method is efficient for styling several documents.

Adding CSS to our document

The very first thing we need to do is to tell the HTML document that we have some CSS rules we want it to use. There are three different ways to apply CSS to an HTML document that you'll commonly come across, however, for now, we will look at the most usual and useful way of doing so – linking CSS from the head of your document.

Create a file in the same folder as your HTML document and save it as styles.css. The .css extension shows that this is a CSS file.

To link styles.css to index.html add the following line somewhere inside the <head> of the HTML document:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

This <link> element tells the browser that we have a stylesheet, using the rel attribute, and the location of that stylesheet as the value of the href attribute. You can test that the CSS works by adding a rule to styles.css. Using your code editor add the following to your CSS file:

h1 {
  color: red;

Save your HTML and CSS files and reload the page in a web browser. The level one heading at the top of the document should now be red. If that happens, congratulations – you have successfully applied some CSS to an HTML document. If that doesn't happen, carefully check that you've typed everything correctly.