More on ANOVA

Read this chapter and complete the questions at the end of each section. While these sections are optional, studying ANOVA may help you if you are interested in taking the Saylor Direct Credit exam for this course.

Tests Supplementing ANOVA


Question 1 out of 7.
When the null hypothesis is rejected in ANOVA, the ANOVA test reveals which means are significantly different from which other means.



Question 2 out of 7.
A marginal mean is

A mean that is almost significant.

The mean of the means of one variable averaging over the levels of another variable.

Question 3 out of 7.
A main effect is a comparison of

Marginal means

Standardized means

Simple effects

Question 4 out of 7.
To compare a control group with the average of the other three groups, you would use

Tukey's test

An interaction test

A specific comparison

Question 5 out of 7.
To compare each mean with each other mean, you would use

Tukey's test

An interaction test

A specific comparison


Question 6 out of 7.
An interaction makes it difficult to interpret

simple effects

pairwise comparisons

specific comparisons

main effects

Question 7 out of 7.
If one simple effect is significant and another is not, that means there is an interaction.

