Functions, Loops, and Logic

The core of Python programming is conditional if/else/elif control statements, loops, and functions. These are powerful tools that you must master to solve problems and implement algorithms. Use these materials to practice their syntax. If/else/elif blocks allow your program to make conditional decisions based upon values available at the time the block is executed. Loops allow you to perform a set of operations a set number of times based on a set of conditions. Python has two types of loops: for loops and while loops. For loops work by counting and terminating when the loop has executed the prescribed number of times. While loops work by testing a logical condition, and the loop terminates when the logical condition evaluates to a value of false. Functions are designed to take in a specific set of input values, operate on those values, and then return a set of output results.


Functions help us organize our code in a way that's reusable, and accept arguments and defaults where needed. Loops let us take action on collections of items. Boolean logic allows us to control the execution flow of our program.

Source: Nina Zakharenko,
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