Evaluating Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) Models

Read this article about brand equity and selected models for evaluating it. Table 1 summarizes definitions of brand equity over time. The article also includes information about multiple models for measuring brand equity. Can you provide a marketing team with at least three reasons for assessing brand equity?


The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of brand equity and discuss its different perspectives, we try to review existing literature of brand equity and evaluate various Customer-based brand equity models to provide a collection from well-known databases for further research in this area. brand equity model

Keywords: Brand equity models, Brand equity dimensions, Consumer-based brand equity, Cross-national brand equity

Source: Sanaz Farjam and Xu Hongyi, https://researchleap.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Reviewing-the-Concept-of-Brand-Equity-and-Evaluating-Consumer-Based-Brand-Equity-CBBE-Models-1.pdf
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